Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our World in desperate need of an AVATAR!!!

The last movie I saw in Chennai was $1200 million Avatar. It’s difficult for most of us to even imagine a cube in 3D. And here is man named “James Cameron” who has created a whole new world, Earth-like moon of the planet Polyphemus in the Alpha Centauri star system called “Pandora” with imagination so real that even “Earth” would envy “Pandora”.

Pandora is inhabited by the Navi, a ten-foot-tall blue-skinned species who live in harmony with nature. We land on Pandora to mine an extremely precious mineral called “Unobtonium”. For our selfish motives we burn the beautiful and the innocent Pandora to ashes just like a new born is crushed in a grinding machine. The comparison might arouse grotesque images in one’s mind but that’s what human’s have become ugly, callous and brutal creatures. We are walking murderers wearing the veil of suits. The recent attack on “Dr R K Pachauri” and “IPCC” by the advocates of economic development regarding error in their report is outrageous. They are celebrating victory as glaciers will not be melting by 2040 and thus want to continue burning our own Pandora (earth) in the same way as they have been doing in the last 30 yrs. The results of these diabolical activities can be perspicuously seen today. Earth has already started bleeding. The northern hemisphere is witnessing one of its coldest winters ever in its history. Normally in India festivals like “makar sankranti” or “lodhi” marks the arrival of autumn. But the temperature dipped further once these festivals arrived. The recent earthquake in Haiti has pushed the nation 10 years back. Just imagine an earthquake or some other natural disaster in populated cities like Mumbai or Delhi. The point is glaciers will definitely melt be it in 2040 or 2080. And the damages caused will be irrevocable. No amount of economic development can substitute for human life. Countries around the world must stop boosting about their GDP’s and quibbling about who must initiate the steps to stop carbon emission. What will the countries do with GDPs, development and power if these become the very reason for our extinction?

We must remember that our future generations would be cursing us for what we are doing to our own Pandora(earth). In the climax of the movie Avatar the Hero "Jake" and pandoran wildlife saves Pandora. But who will save us??? The answer is "WE". It’ strange that we the villains have to change their roles to we the heroes. We need another Avatar to save our world. I know its late, but then I also know that Hero always tastes victory in the end.


  1. Good initiative dost!! I like the observation which you have made here regarding changes in the pattern of whether during Indian festivals..keep on writting!!!

  2. Great beginning!!!

    may creativity be yours with words!!!

  3. Correct... Bloody man are indeed selfish... wat's the point of boasting so much wen things cud be made disaster by nature??
    i like ur observation abt all these... keep going...

  4. hi kunal..a very gud begining!!!!

    whtever u said is perfectly true!!

    we cant wait for some hero to come n mark the change!! now every thing is in our hands..n if some catastrophe occurs, then ly we r responsible for tht!!!

    so every one should take responsibility of earth being her child!! love her(keep away from disastrous things) and make her merry.
