Saturday, March 20, 2010

Our Aspirations Goal or Greed?

A crisis makes you realize that you are just a human. When you fail or don’t achieve your goal you feel as if the world has come to an end. You don’t want to listen to anyone’s gyan on being positive, quotations on success, motivation etc. etc. etc. We are only concerned with that failure and even the future looks a failure because of the existing failure. One feels as if the entire world is only concerned about us. Actually we are not afraid of the failure but we are afraid of other’s reaction. We don’t know how we will face others.

450 million people in our country live on less than 1.25$ per day. That’s a meager Rs.57. We spend on an average an amount which is nearly 1300% times more. Still we are not happy. We want to earn more and more.

Goal or Greed?

Consider a terrorist who wants to blow an entire city. For this he works hard meticulously day and night. It’s his ambition, desire, aim, dream etc. “God help those who help themselves”. Then should God help him? All our answers will be in negative. Why? We will say “his intentions are wicked”. But who decides if one’s intentions are good or bad. It’s absolutely subjective. From a terrorist’s point of view his act is justified.

Goal or Greed?

I want to own a farrari and an island.

Goal or Greed?

Even a billionaire business tycoon is not contented. He is worried that his rivals are growing at a faster rate than him.

Goal or Greed?

A student is disappointed that he missed 99% by just one mark.

Goal or Greed?

Actually there is no relationship between money, happiness and goal. Today goal is perspicuously related to money. Majority of goals are based on wealth. It’s a rat race which has no end. In Mumbai if you are travelling from Church gate to Mallad, it doesn’t matter if you own a farrari or a maruti 800. Both will take the same time to reach its destination. Even a billionaire is as tensed as a common man. Then why the rat race? We have actually forgotten the essence of life. First is our health and second is spreading happiness. We don’t realize the importance of health till we fall sick. A person suffering from Cancer doesn’t want 100 million dollars, he just wants to be cared.

Philanthropy is considered to be the work of NGO’s or someone like Mother Terresa. WHY?

We have made our entire lives an Excel sheet which orders us what should we do. The movie 3 Idiots addresses the same problem brilliantly. An MBA aspirant in India is only concerned about pay packages. He may not know the full form of an institute, but will know the highest package being offered. I am not saying that packages are not important but making it the sole motive is a crime.

Today, in reality Goal and Greed have become synonym. According to Oxford dictionary goal is “something that you hope to achieve“. But in my opinion this definition is flawed, atleast in existing world. Our accomplishments should make others happy or atleast majority of the people are happy about our success. There is nothing called personal goal, its just greed.

In my opinion goal and greed can be defined by the simple means given below:

Suppose you achieve your objective and say

H - is the number of people who are happy when you achieve your aim

UH - is the number of people who are unhappy when you achieve your aim

If H > UH , It’s your GOAL

If H < UH It’s just your GREED

So are you following your Goal or your Greed? You are the one to decide.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice analogy explain the simplest things. every one in life should realize that how much the others are happy when u r moving up the ladder of life!! and the more happiness u c in ppl beca of you,ll give u the more pleasure than those ppl who r happy..beca u know tht they r happy beca of u....

    finally a very nice blog kunal,with sensible lines!!!! cheers!!

  3. Well framed article and something to ponder about. Goal & Greed are like two sides of a coin where you have to make a choice and decide. Lets leave for each of us to pursue your goal or greed. But whatever you do , as kunal said do it with perfection to succeed in this rat race!!!
